Navegando por internet me encontre con esta pequeña , pero no por ello menos util, herramienta de seguridad especifica para GNU/Debian Linux.
Se descarga directamente un paquete .deb . Para funcionar requiere de ntpdate y chkrootkit<br>#aptitude install ntpdate y chkrootik</font>
Una vez terminado el analisis envia una lista de las debilidades encontradas y nos da la opcion de corregirlas.
Proshield la podemos descargar desde http://proshield.sourceforge.netSome of the main features of ProShield include:
#dpkg -i proshield_3.7.44e.deb
* Helps you backup your system weekly.
* Checks for extra root accounts.
* Checks account & password files for correct permissions.
* Makes sure a few security-hazardous packages are not installed.
* Checks for a packet sniffer.
* Removes unneeded packages from the local package archive.
* Checks for new software releases, in order to see if installed software is reasonably up to date. Smart-suggestion to upgrade if an important package is released.
* Checks to see if 'apt' is fetching unnecessary information when checking for software updates.
* Makes sure system time is accurate.
* Checks to make sure the user isn't logged into the system (GUI) as root.
* Checks the configuration of the ssh server ([sshd] if installed) for insecure settings.
* At runtime, ProShield will also check to see if there has been a new version released, and can download and install it at the user's preference.
Se descarga directamente un paquete .deb . Para funcionar requiere de ntpdate y chkrootkit<br>#aptitude install ntpdate y chkrootik</font>
Una vez terminado el analisis envia una lista de las debilidades encontradas y nos da la opcion de corregirlas.
Proshield la podemos descargar desde http://proshield.sourceforge.netSome of the main features of ProShield include:
#dpkg -i proshield_3.7.44e.deb
* Helps you backup your system weekly.
* Checks for extra root accounts.
* Checks account & password files for correct permissions.
* Makes sure a few security-hazardous packages are not installed.
* Checks for a packet sniffer.
* Removes unneeded packages from the local package archive.
* Checks for new software releases, in order to see if installed software is reasonably up to date. Smart-suggestion to upgrade if an important package is released.
* Checks to see if 'apt' is fetching unnecessary information when checking for software updates.
* Makes sure system time is accurate.
* Checks to make sure the user isn't logged into the system (GUI) as root.
* Checks the configuration of the ssh server ([sshd] if installed) for insecure settings.
* At runtime, ProShield will also check to see if there has been a new version released, and can download and install it at the user's preference.